An Annotated Bibliography on George Joye
Primary Sources (Original Works by George Joye)
If you have any suggestions, or think that I have left out something, please feel free to contact me.
You might also wish to visit the page about my research on George Joye and his debate with William Tyndale: the research interests of Dr Gergely Juhász.
© Dr. Gergely Juhász, 2009-2014
Primary Sources (Original Works by George Joye)
- Joye, George. (lost primer) (Antwerp?, 1529).
- Ortulus anime. The garden of the soule: or the englisshe primers. Argentine: Francis Foxe (vere Antwerp: Merten de Keyser), 1530.
- Joye, George. The Prophete Isaye, Straszburg: Balthassar Beckenth (vere Antwerp: Merten de Keyser), 10 May 1531.
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 85. The Prophete Isaye, translated by George Joye ('Printed in Straszburg by Balthassar Beckenth' [vere Antwerp, Merten de Keyser], 10 May 1531). In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 138. - Joye, George. The letters which IOHAN ASHWELL Priour of Newnham Abbey besids Bedforde/ sente secretly to the / in the yeare of our Lorde M.D.xvij. Where in the sayde priour accuseth George Joye that tyme being felawe of Peter college in Cambridge/ of fower opinions: with the answer of the sayed George vn to the same opinions, Straszburg (vere Antwerp: Merten de Keyser), 10 June 1531.
- Joye, George. The souper of the Lorde: wher vnto, that thou mayst be the better prepared and suerlyer enstructed: haue here firste the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. Johan, beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the crosse, at these wordis: merely were. &c wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenst Johan Frythe is confuted, Nornburg: Niclas twonson (vere Antwerp), 5 April 1533.
- Joye, George. The Subuersion of Moris false foundacion: where upon he sweteth to set faste and shoue vnder his shameles shoris/ to vnderproppe the popis chirche: Made by George Ioye, Emdon: Jacob Aurik (vere Antwerp: Catharine van Ruremund), 1534.
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 101. George Joye, The Subversion of Moris false foundacion ('at Emdon by Iacob Aurik' [vere Antwerp, Govaert van der Haghen?], 1534).In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 158. - Joye, George. Ieremy the Prophete/ translated into Englisshe: by George Ioye: some tyme felowe of Peter College in Cambridge. The songe of Moses is added in the ende to magnif ye our Lorde for the fallof our Pharao the Bisshop of Rome, (Catharine van Ruremund), Anno. M.D. and .xxxiiii. in the monthe of Maye.
- Joye, George. Dauids Psalter/ diligently and faithfully translated by George Ioye/ with breif Arguments before euery Psalme/ declaringe the effect therof, [Antwerp]: Martyne Emperowr (=Merten de Keyser), 1534.
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 88. Davids Psalter, translated by George Joye ([Antwerp,] Merten de Keyser, August 1534). In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 141-142. - Joye, George (ed.). The new Testament as it was written/ and caused to be written/ by them which herde yt : Whom also oure Saueoure Christ Iesus commaunded that they shulde preach it vnto al creatures. Trans. William Tyndale. Antwerpe: By me wydowe of Christoffel of Endhouen, In the yere of oure Lorde. M.CCCCC. and. xxxiiij. in August, (STC 2825; BL, G.12180).
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 102. The new Testament [translated by William Tyndale, edited by George Joye], (Antwerp, Widow of Christoffel [van Ruremund] van Endhoven, August 1534). In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 159-160. - Joye, George (ed.). [The hole new Testame[n]t with the Pistles taken out of the olde Testament to be red in the chirche certayn dayes thorowt the year]. Trans. William Tyndale. Antwerp: Catharyn wydowe [of Christoffel van Ruremund], 9 January, 1535 (STC 2827; BL,
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 103. The newe Testament, dylygently corrected and compared with tge Greke by Willyam Tindale, translated by William Tyndale (Antwerp, Merten de Keyser, November 1534). In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 160-161. - Joye, George. An Apologye made by George Ioye to satisfye (if it maye be) w. Tindale: to pourge & defende himself ageinst so many sclaunderouse lyes fayned upon him in Tindals uncheritable and unsober Pystle so well worthye to be prefixed for the Reader to induce him into the understaning of hys new Testament diligently corrected & printed in the yeare of oure lorde .M. CCCCC. and xxxiiij. in Nouember., (Antwerp?), February 27, 1535.
Juhász, Gergely. Cat. 104. George Joye, An apology made by George Joy, to satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale, 1535, edited by Edward Arber (The English Scholar's Library 13; Birmingham, 1882). In Tyndale's Testament. Ed. Arblaster, Paul, Juhász, Gergely, and Latré, Guido. Brepols: Turnhout, 2002, 160-161. - Joye, George. A compendyouse Somme of the very Christen relygyon: gathered faythfully out of the holy scripture: necessary for all them that rede the olde and new Testament[...] Translated by George Ioye the yere of our lorde. M.D. xxxv. In Septembre, London: John Bydell, 1535.
- Joye, George. A frutefull treatis of Baptyme and the Lordis Souper/ of the vse and effect of them/ of the worthey and vnworthy receyuers of the Souper/ necessary to be knowne of all Christen men/ which yerely receyue the Sacrament, Grunning (vere Antwerp: Catharine van Ruremund), 27 April 1541.
- Joye, George. A very godly defense/ full of lerning/ defending the mariage of Preistes/ gathered by Philip Melanchthon/ & sent vnto the kyng of Englond/ Henry the aight/ tra[n]slated out of latyne into englisshe/ by lewes beuchame, the yere of the Lorde.M.CCCCC.XLI. in Auguste, Lipse: Ubryght Hoff (vere Antwerp: Catharine van Ruremund).
- Joye, George. The defense of the Mariage of Preistes: agenst Steuen Gardiner, Iames Sawtry (vere Antwerp: Catharine van Ruremund), August 1541.
- Joye, George. The exposicion of Daniel the Prophete gathered oute of Philip Melanchton/ Johan Ecolampadius/ Conrade Pellicane & out of Johan Draconite. &c. By George Joye. A prophecye diligently to be noted of al Emprowrs & kinges in these laste dayes, Geneue: G.J. (vere Antwerp, Catharine van Ruremund), 1545.
- Joye, George. A contrarye (to a certayne manis) Consultacion: That Adulterers ought to be punyshed wyth deathe. With the solucions of his argumentes for the contrarye, (London:) George Joye, 1549.
- Edward Arber's Reprint of George Joye's Apologye in the Open Library
NOTE: Arber's edition of Joye's Apology contains a few errors. I am currently working on an annotated critical edition of Joye's Apologye. - Early English Books Online (EEBO) has Joye's works in digital form.
NOTE: subscription required.
- Butterworth, Charles C. and Allan G. Chester. George Joye 1495?–1553. A Chapter
in the History of the English Bible and the English Reformation. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1962.
- BIRCHENOUGH, Edwyn and Josephine, "The primers of George Joye" in Moreana 10 (1966) 7-22.
- BIRCHENOUGH Edwyn and Josephine, "The Bedfordshire of George Joye" in Moreana 8 (1965) 73-77.
- Butterworth, Charles C. The English Primers: Their Publication and Connection with the English Bible and the Reformation in England. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953.
- Butterworth, Charles C. “The Godfray Edition of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.” In University of Pennsylvania Library Chronicle, 15 (1949) 25-27.
- Clebsch, William A. England’s Earliest Protestants 1520–1535. Yale Publications in Religion 11. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1964. Reprinted: Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1980.
- ———, “More Evidence That George Joye Wrote 'The Souper of the Lorde.'” The Harvard Theological Review, 55 (1962) 63-66.
- Daniell, David. “Tyndale, Roye, Joye, and Copyright.” In William Tyndale and the Law. Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies XXV. Edited by J.A.R. Dick and A. Richardson. Kirsksville, MO: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1994, 93–101.
- Daniell, David. The Bible in English. Its History and Influence. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.
- Gordon, Jackson. Surprised by Joye. Parallel Selections from George Joye’s Two Psalters. Lincoln: Asgill, 1998.
- Juhász, Gergely. “Antwerp Bible Translations in the King James Bible.” In The King James Bible after Four Hundred Years: Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Influences, ed. Hannibal Hamlin and Norman W. Jones, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 100-123.
- Juhász, Gergely. “Translating Resurrection. The Importance of the Sadducees’ Belief in the Tyndale–Joye Controversy.” In Resurrection in the New Testament. FS Jan Lambrecht. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 165. Edited by Reimund Bieringer, Veronica Koperski and Bianca Lataire, 107–121. Leuven: Leuven University Press, Peeters, 2002.
- Juhász, Gergely. “‘That the reder might once swimme without a corke.’ George Joye’s Translation Strategy in his Biblical Translations.” Forthcoming in ‘Wading Lambs and Swimming Elephants’: The Bible for the Laity and Theologians in the Medieval and Early Modern Era. Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium, edited by Wim François and August den Hollander. Leuven: Peeters and Leuven University Press, 2010.
- Juhász, Gergely. “Some Neglected Aspects of the Exegetical Debate on Resurrection and the Immortality of the Soul between William Tyndale and George Joye in Antwerp (1534–1535).” Reformation 14 (2009) 1–47.
Abstract: The debate between William Tyndale and George Joye on “translating resurrection” (changing Tyndale’s “resurreccion” into “the lyfe after this” or some other similar expression in twenty-two places in a 1534 Antwerp reprint of Tyndale’s 1526 Worms New Testament) has received relatively little scholarly attention. Based on primary sources, this article presents an original account of the history of the debate and highlights some generally neglected elements in it. Tyndale’s charges against Joye are examined in the light of the available evidence and Joye’s Apologye (1535). Based on the available sources, it becomes clear that Tyndale’s second foreword in his November 1534 New Testament is largely responsible for the misrepresentation of Joye’s standpoint in current secondary literature and that Joye’s motive for changing Tyndale’s New Testament was not the negation of the bodily resurrection but a reaction to Luther’s (and Tyndale’s) tenet on soul-sleep by applying the findings of the exegetical studies of his times (e.g. by Huldrych Zwingli) to the translation of text. Thanks to the debate, we have a better understanding of the eschatological ideas of the early English Reformation. - Mozley, James Frederic. "George Joye, or Gee." N&Q 185 (1943): 252–253.
- O’Sullivan, Orlaith. "The Authorship of The Supper of the Lord." Reformation 2 (1997): 207–232.
- Parish, Helen L. Clerical Marriage and the English Reformation. Precedent Policy and
Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. - Parker, Douglas H. (ed.). The Praier and Complaynte of the Ploweman vnto Christe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
Note: The preface of this book is sometimes (I believe erroneously) attributed to George Joye. - Pineas, Rainer. “George Joye: ‘Exposicion of Daniel.’” RQ 28 (1975): 332–342.
- ———. “George Joye’s Polemical Use of History in his Controversy with Stephen Gardiner.” In Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 55 (1974): 21–31.
- ———. “George Joye’s Use of Rhetoric and Logic as Weapons of Religious Controversy.” Essays in Literature 2 (1975): 10–23.
- Pollard, A.W. Records of the English Bible. The Documents Relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1526–1611. Henry Frowde, London: Oxford University Press, 1911.
- Schnucker,Robert V. “La position puritaine à l'égard de l'adultère.” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 27 (1972): 1379-1388.
- Ottenhoff, John. "Psalm 51 and Anne Lock's Meditation of a Penitent Sinner." [Last consulted on August 31, 2010].
Note: Mentions Joye's 1530 translation of the Psalms (from Bucer's Latin) in one line as possible context for Anne Lock's Meditation. - Thompson, W. D. J. Cargil. “Who Wrote 'The Supper of the Lord'?” The Harvard Theological Review 53 (1960): 77-91.
- Westbrook, Vivienne. Long Travail and Great Paynes: A Politics of Reformation Revision. Studies in Early Modern Religious Reforms 1. London: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
- Yost, John K. The Reformation Defense of Clerical Marriage in the Reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. Church History 50 (1981): 152-165.
Note: treats Joye's A very godly defense/ full of lerning/ defending the mariage of Preistes (Antwerp, 1541) and The defense of the Mariage of Preistes (Antwerp, 1541).
If you have any suggestions, or think that I have left out something, please feel free to contact me.
You might also wish to visit the page about my research on George Joye and his debate with William Tyndale: the research interests of Dr Gergely Juhász.
© Dr. Gergely Juhász, 2009-2014